Sunday, May 3, 2009

Vegan Cupcakes

Received most recent Amazon order, including Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World.  LOVE IT!  I decided I would make an effort to use less animal products in baking and cooking and I was pleasantly surprised at how well my first attempt at baking turned out.  I had no idea how things would turn out - will the cake be airy and moist, will they rise, what about taste?  I tried the Basic Chocolate Cupcakes on page 37, and turned them into Cookies and Cream Cupcakes by adding Oreos to the batter and un-buttercream (I used Earth Balance).  They were fabulous and delicious, and nobody believed they were vegan!  Recipe said it would make 12, mine only made 11, whatever.  I filled the cups a little more than the suggested three-quarters full to be sure they'd be nice and high.  Only used five Oreos in the batter - not ten like suggested.  

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